Isalit S.r.l.
The isalit team comes from both academic and industrial fields. The team is composed by a full professor in Analytical Chemistry and Statistic, a researcher in Chemistry and Chemometrics, a retired Chief Scientist at the Jet Propulsory Lab of the NASA and consulting for the imaging technologies, a researcher in Chemistry and Industrial Processes, a researcher in non invasive technologies for Cultural Heritage, a Conservator and several Consultants in the Cultural Heritage field.
Isalit is a spin-off of the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro" with exclusive skills about the monitoring of the conservation state of Cultural Heritage (i.e. the collaborations of its members with the Israel Antiquities Authority for the conservation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Library of Congress of United States of America, the Center of Conservation and Restoration La Venaria Reale and the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum of Santa Fe New Mexico, USA) as well as unique competences in Analytical Chemistry, food and environmental analysis, biology, industrial fields, etc...